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单位:广东海洋大学...     作者:武天佑,苏颜丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-25

摘 要:文章以广东省博物馆文化创意产品设计为例,从符号学家穆卡洛夫斯基产品符号学理论的实用功能、文化符号和形式审美三种视角出发,通过功能性、意蕴式、情景式和装饰性四种设计方法,进行博物馆文化创意产品设计探索。基于产品符号学的四种设计实践方法,能够较为恰当地将博物馆中藏品所代表的优秀传统文化通过文化创意产品的使用与传播融入大众日常生活,对博物馆文化创意产品的设计方法研究具有一定的参考价值。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Taking the design of cultural creative products in Guangdong museums as an example, this article explores the design of cultural creative products in museums through four design methods, namely, functionality, implication, scenario and decoration, from the perspective of the practical function, cultural symbol and formal aesthetics of the semiotics theory of Mukarovsky. Based on the four design practice methods of product semiotics, the excellent traditional culture represented by the collections in museums can be more appropriately integrated into the daily life of the public through the use and dissemination of cultural creative products, which has certain reference value for the research of design methods of cultural creative products in museums.

Key Words:Product Design; Product Semiotics; Guangdong Museum; Cultural and Creative Products