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单位:1.广东海洋大...     作者:王先昌,韩卫国,李永斌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-07-09

摘 要:工业设计是以创新为前提、以实用为目的、以商业化为导向的应用型交叉学科,创新创业思维与实践能力成为工业设计人才走入社会的必备技能。在此背景下,文章以“海洋文化与产品设计”课程为例,以课程培养目标及其教学中存在的问题为出发点,以CDIO理念为导向,从“赛教融合”、项目驱动式教学、差异化评比、持续改进、过程评价及监管、案例“反向模拟”等方面实施课程教学,提高学生“学”以致“用”的专业技能。以期探索专业课程教学与创新创业教育的融合方式,形成可复制、可推广的教学策略,为工业设计专业其他课程的教学改革提供新的思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)07-0085-04

基金项目:广东海洋大学本科教学质量与教学改革工程项目“CDIO理念下‘海洋文化与产品设计’课程创新创业教育探索与实践”(PX-14223611) ;广东海洋大学2024年校级教学改革项目“CDIO理念下创新创业教育与工业设计专业教育深度融合模式研究与实践”(PX-972024082)

Abstract:Industrial design is an applied interdisciplinary subject with innovation as the premise, practicality as the purpose and commercialization as the orientation. Innovative and entrepreneurial thinking and practical ability have become the necessary skills for industrial design talents to enter the society. In this context, the paper takes the course "Marine Culture and Product Design" as an example, takes the training objectives of the course and the problems existing in the teaching as the starting point, and takes the CDIO concept as the guidance to implement the course teaching from the aspects of "integration of competition and teaching", project-driven teaching, differentiated evaluation, continuous improvement, process evaluation and supervision, and case "reverse simulation". Improve students' professional skills in "learning" and "using". In order to explore the integration of professional course teaching and innovation and entrepreneurship education, the teaching strategy can be copied and promoted, and provide new ideas  for the teaching reform of other courses of industrial design major.

Key Words:Industrial Design; CDIO; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Academic Competition; Project Driven; Integration of Specialization and Innovation