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单位:武汉科技大学...     作者:胡康,周美琪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-07-09

摘 要:国内关于公共艺术专业的办学模式与课程设置始终存在争论,教育教学也面临着许多的困惑与挑战,文章对公共艺术专业国际化人才培养模式进行研究,通过对公共艺术专业人培养的现状与国际化人才培养的优势进行分析,探索构建“1234”国际化人才的培养模式,即一个培养目标、两套培养方案、三项保障机制、四类课程建设,并开展实践探索。以期为专业发展提供新的方向与创新途径,提升人才的竞争力,为国际化人才培养模式的改革和创新提供有价值的参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)07-0080-05


Abstract:There are always debates on the school-running mode and curriculum setting of public art major in China, and education and teaching also face many puzzles and challenges. This paper studies the training mode of international talents of public art major, and explores the training mode of "1234" international talents by analyzing the current situation of training public art professionals and the advantages of training international talents. That is, one training goal, two sets of training programs, three guarantee mechanisms, and four types of curriculum construction, and carry out practical exploration, so as to provide new directions and innovative ways for professional development, enhance the competitiveness of talents, and provide valuable references for the reform and innovation of international talent training mode.

Key Words:Public Art; Internationalization; Personnel Training; Mode; Practice Framework