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单位:江南大学设计学院     作者:任怡薇,陈嬿     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2025-01-21

摘 要:针对当前虚拟文化博物馆在沉浸感方面的不足,研究旨在寻找科学有效的解决路径,以提升游客的参观体验。文章基于当前虚拟文化博物馆沉浸感的现状和存在的问题,探讨了沉浸感在提升参观体验、增强博物馆学习和促进文化理解方面的作用和意义。同时,文章从参观者的学习、文化及休闲三方面需求出发,提出虚拟文化博物馆的沉浸式体验设计策略,以期为虚拟文化博物馆的设计与运营提供指导和建议。

中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2025)02-0088-05

Abstract:In view of the current problem of insufficient immersion in virtual cultural museums, a scientific path is sought to solve it in order to enhance visitors' visiting experience. Based on the current status and existing problems of immersion in virtual cultural museums, the role and significance of immersion in improving visiting experience, enhancing museum learning and promoting cultural understanding are explored; and based on the visitors' learning, cultural and leisure needs, an immersive experience design strategy for virtual cultural museums is proposed, providing guidance and suggestions for the design and operation of virtual cultural museums.
Key Words:Virtual Museum; Immersive Experience; Design Strategy