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单位:西安交通大学...     作者:张菊芳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2025-01-21

摘 要:基于过程管理的“非遗+文创”项目式陶艺实践教学,旨在围绕文创设计探讨项目驱动型课程教学的设计思路,构建系统性地教学流程逻辑框架。课程成果可以开发设计出具有地域及校园文化特色的陶艺文创产品,教学实践中可以激发学生主动发现、挖掘、表达个性的艺术语言,解决制作中畏难情绪和盲从心理,推动学生实践能力的提升和创新精神的培养,彰显实践育人特色,文章研究成果不仅有助于提升高校实践教学整体水平,还为高等院校机构探析基于过程管理的项目式教学实践与方法,并提供可行性理论依据。

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2025)02-0076-04

Abstract:The project-based ceramic practice teaching of "intangible cultural heritage+cultural and creative" based on process management aims to explore the design ideas of project-based curriculum teaching around cultural and creative design, and construct a systematic teaching process logic framework. The course results can develop and design ceramic cultural and creative products with regional and campus cultural characteristics. In teaching practice, it can stimulate students to actively discover, explore, and express their individual artistic language, solve difficulties and blind obedience in production, promote the improvement of students' practical ability and the cultivation of innovative spirit, and demonstrate the characteristics of practical education. It not only helps to improve the overall level of practical teaching in universities, but also provides feasible theoretical basis for exploring project-based teaching practices and methods based on process management for higher education institutions.
Key Words:Campus Culture; Pottery and Cultural Creativity; Process Management; Project-Based; Intangible Cultural Heritage