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单位:哈尔滨剑桥学...     作者:郭娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-08-30

摘 要:秦汉时期工艺美术元素作为我国传统艺术的瑰宝,其古朴雅致的设计风格与精湛的技艺在当代室内装饰设计中展现出新的生命力。文章深入剖析了秦汉工艺美术元素的特点,如寓意深远的文化符号、技艺精湛的制造工艺、造型多样的艺术形态及深刻的文化传承与时代烙印。通过实证研究,探讨了这些元素在现代室内设计中的应用策略。研究发现,秦汉工艺美术元素不仅丰富了现代室内设计的文化内涵,还提升了设计的艺术审美与实用功能。将传统元素与现代设计理念相结合,是实现文化传承与创新的重要途径,对于推动我国室内装饰设计的持续发展具有重要意义。 

中图分类号:TU238.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)09-0143-04
基金项目:2022年度黑龙江省艺术科学规划一般项目“秦汉时期工艺美术对我国当代装饰艺术的影响研究” (2022B103);哈尔滨剑桥学院2023年度校科研基金项目“秦汉时期工艺美术对我国当代装饰艺术的影响研究”(2023JQKY06)

Abstract:The elements of arts and crafts in the Qin and Han dynasties, as the treasure of Chinese traditional art, its simple and elegant design style and exquisite skills show new vitality in the contemporary interior decoration design. The article deeply analyzes the characteristics of the arts and crafts elements of the Qin and Han dynasties, such as profound cultural symbols, exquisite manufacturing techniques, diverse artistic forms and profound cultural inheritance and the brand of The Times. Through the empirical research, the application strategy of these elements in modern interior design is discussed. It is found that the arts and crafts elements of Qin and Han dynasties not only enrich the cultural connotation of modern interior design, but also enhance the artistic aesthetic and practical function of design. The combination of traditional elements and modern design concepts is an important way to achieve cultural inheritance and innovation, and is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of interior decoration design in our country.
Key Words:Arts and Crafts of Qin and Han Dynasties; Interior Decoration Design; Cultural Inheritance; Modern Integration; Aesthetic Innovation