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单位:西安工程大学...     作者:任舒婷,龚鑫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-08-30

摘 要:文章在交互叙事视域下,研究博物馆数字化展示设计的思路,以探索其在当今数字时代背景下的发展方向。文章首先研究了博物馆数字化展示与交互叙事的相关概念,并构建了博物馆数字化展示交互叙事模型。其次,借助叙事学话语层面的研究方法,从叙事结构、叙事视角、叙事媒介三方面分析了博物馆数字化展示中交互叙事元素的特征。最后,文章提出了交互叙事视域下博物馆数字化展示的设计思路,进而阐明数字设计如何重塑观众与展品对话的方式。

中图分类号:G265 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)09-0101-04

Abstract:In the view of interactive narrative, this paper studies the design ideas of museum digital display in order to explore its development direction in the digital age. This paper first studies the related concepts of museum digital display and interactive narrative, and constructs interactive narrative model of museum digital display. Secondly, with the help of the discourse research methods of narrative science, the characteristics of interactive narrative elements in museum digital display are analyzed from three aspects: narrative structure, narrative perspective and narrative media. Finally, the paper puts forward the design ideas of museum digital display from the perspective of interactive narrative, and then illustrates how digital design reshapes the dialogue between the audience and the exhibits.
Key Words:Interactive Narrative; Digital Display; Museum; Design