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单位:华东理工大学...     作者:高诗尧,王计平     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-03-20

摘 要:露营是近年来兴起的重要户外活动。文章对露营装备进行现状分析,总结了现有露营产品的主要问题,基于五大体验体系,得出用户体验视角下的露营装备设计特征。最后从用户体验的视角,以露营帐篷为例进行设计实践。运用Python程序语言,分析用户购买帐篷后的评价和关键词,综合设计特征得到用户需求,围绕设计定位提出解决方案,从造型、搭建和空间三部分讲述设计。以期为露营装备的设计提供有益的参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)03-0023-04

Abstract:Camping is an important outdoor activity that has emerged in recent years. The article analyzes the current situation of camping equipment, summarizes the main problems of existing camping products, and based on the five major experience systems, obtains the design characteristics of camping equipment from the perspective of user experience. Finally, from the perspective of user experience, take camping tents as an example for design practice. By using the Python programming language to analyze users' evaluations and keywords after purchasing tents, and combining design features to obtain user needs, propose solutions around the design positioning, covering design from three parts: styling, construction and space.The aim is to provide useful references for the design of camping equipment.

Key Words:Industrial Design; Camping Equipment; Camping Tents; User Experience; Design Research