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符号学视角下纳西族悬鱼文化基因在产品中的设计转化研究 ——以文化创意产品为例

单位:西南林业大学...     作者:简玉,何蕊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-11-20

摘 要:文章以文化创意产品为例,从符号学视角出发运用莫里斯的符号学三分理论解析纳西族悬鱼文化基因,并绘制纳西族悬鱼文化基因图谱,揭示纳西族悬鱼文化基因的本质与规律;在此基础上结合皮尔斯符号三元关系理论构建纳西族悬鱼文化基因在产品中的设计转化模型,进而提出形意直观化、实用便携化、趣味体验化三种设计转化策略,以期能为少数民族建筑装饰艺术相关的文化创意产品设计提供参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)11-0112-04


Abstract: Taking cultural and creative products as an example, this paper analyzes the cultural genes of Naxi hanging fish from the perspective of semiotics by using Morris's semiotic trisection theory, and draws the cultural gene map of Naxi hanging fish to reveal the essence and law of the cultural genes of Naxi hanging fish. On this basis, combined with Pierce's symbolic ternary relationship theory, the design and transformation model of Naxi hanging fish cultural genes in products is constructed, and three design transformation strategies are proposed, namely visual design, practical portability, and fun experience, in order to provide reference for the design of cultural and creative products related to ethnic minority architectural decoration art.

Key Words:Semiotics; Naxi Hanging Fish; Cultural Genes; Design Transformation; Cultural and Creative Products