摘 要:针对目前数字化产品适老化程度不足,无法高效满足老龄群体需求的问题,文章提出从交互设计的角度为数字产品的适老化设计提供可行性的建议。首先,分析了老年人的生理和心理特征,以及数字产品在交互设计结构层、框架层和表现层方面存在的问题;其次,提出了适老化交互设计的具体策略,即基于行为特征的结构层交互设计、基于认知特征的框架层信息设计和基于感知特征与心理特征的表现层设计。希望通过文章的研究,能够为数字产品的适老化交互设计提供有益的建议。
中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)11-0092-04
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the digital products are not suitable for aging and cannot meet the needs of the elderly effectively, the article proposes feasible suggestions for the aging friendly design of digital products from the perspective of interactive design. Firstly, the physiological and psychological characteristics of the elderly were analyzed, as well as the problems existing in the interaction design structure layer, framework layer, and presentation layer of digital products. Secondly, specific strategies for aging friendly interaction design were proposed, including structural layer interaction design based on behavioral features, framework layer information design based on cognitive features, and presentation layer design based on perceptual and psychological features. I hope that through the research in this article, useful suggestions can be provided for the aging friendly interaction design of digital products.
Key Words: Industrial Design; Characteristics of Elderly Population; Digital Product; Aging-Friendly; Interaction Design