摘 要:随着互联网技术的发展,翻转课堂、混合学习、适时教学使教学更为即时、灵活、多元,教学设计的形式也从简单的线性流程演变为复杂的开放系统。在此背景下,文章基于产教融合及混合式教学模式进行“产品改良设计”课程的教学模式探索,以期在课程知识与能力、习惯与态度双线并举的教学目标下,以“项目式导入+校企联动式”“线上线下融合”翻转课堂为教学理念,基于BOPPPS理论模型,采用课前、课中、课后线上与线下全链路教学模式,为产品设计专业课程的教学设计提供一定的借鉴,提升学生的综合能力。
中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)11-0088-04
Abstract:With the development of Internet technology, flipped classroom, blended learning and timely teaching make teaching more immediate, flexible and diversified, and the form of teaching design has evolved from a simple linear process to a complex open system. In this context, this paper explores the teaching mode of "Product Improvement Design" based on the integration of production and education and the mixed teaching mode, with a view to taking "project-oriented introduction + school-enterprise interaction" and "online-to-offline integration" as the teaching concept and based on the BOPPPS theoretical model. The full-link teaching mode of online and offline before, during and after class is adopted to provide certain reference for the teaching design of product design courses and improve students' comprehensive ability.
Key Words:Product Improvement Design; Flipped Classroom; Industry-Teaching Integration; BOOPPS Theory