摘 要:国内文化创意产业迅速发展,产品中潜移默化的文化创意可以让人们的精神文化需求得到满足,这也逐渐成为了消费决策的核心要素。设计类专业的培养要紧贴社会的需要,在“文化创意产品设计”课程中融入地域元素的方式可以使产品注入更多的文化内涵。目前“文化创意产品设计”课程存在一些问题,为了使课程能够更好地提升学生的综合设计能力,文章针对学情调整教学内容,根据教学目标完成教学设计,依据学生的实际情况提升学生的设计整合能力。以期培养出具有综合能力的应用型设计人才。
中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)11-0084-04
基金项目:宁夏回族自治区区级一流本科课程“地域文化产品设计与开发”(宁教高办〔2021〕7 号)
Abstract:With the rapid development of domestic cultural and creative industries, the imperceptible cultural creativity in products can satisfy people's spiritual and cultural needs, which has gradually become the core element of consumption decision-making. At present, there are some problems in the course of "Cultural Creative Product Design". In order to better improve students' comprehensive design ability, this paper adjusts the teaching content according to the learning situation, completes the teaching design according to the teaching objectives, and improves students' design integration ability according to their actual situation. In order to cultivate a comprehensive ability of applied design talents.
Key Words:Regional Culture; Cultural and Creative Product Design; Curriculum Reform; Internet +; Promote Learning Through Competition