摘 要:在现今越来越多家长关注早期教育的情况下,玩具所发挥的作用不仅仅是娱乐,更多的是寓教于乐的载体。对于视障儿童这类特殊群体来说,玩具的设计和使用更加具有特殊意义。文章讨论了视障儿童益智玩具发展现状,分析了将劝导式设计引入视障儿童益智玩具设计中的意义,总结了基于劝导式设计的视障儿童益智玩具设计策略,提出了符合视障儿童生理、心理特点的劝导锻炼残余视力、触觉、听觉的益智玩具设计方案。
中图分类号:TS958.02 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)11-0040-04
Abstract:In today's more and more parents pay attention to early education, the role played by toys is not only entertainment, more is the carrier of edutainment. For special groups such as visually impaired children, the design and use of toys has more special significance. This paper discusses the development status of educational toys for visually impaired children, analyzes the significance of introducing persuasive design into the design of educational toys for visually impaired children, summarizes the design strategy of educational toys for visually impaired children based on persuasive design, and puts forward a design scheme of educational toys that complies with the physiological and psychological characteristics of visually impaired children by persuading and training residual vision, touch and hearing.
Key Words:Persuasive Design; Visually Impaired Children; Educational Toys; Product Design