摘 要:针对设计师在产品设计过程中对用户感性需求重视度不高的问题,文章采用文本挖掘技术与感性工学理论结合的方法,以汽车显控面板为对象,对用户的感性需求进行挖掘。首先,基于文本挖掘技术提取在线评论中用户对产品设计特征与感性意象的描述。其次,解构汽车显控面板的造型设计要素,通过语义差异量表量化用户的感性需求。最后,运用正交试验的方法构建用户对不同设计特征的感性意象空间,将用户的感性需求转化为设计要素,为设计师提供设计决策。
中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0149-04
Abstract:The article addresses the issue of designers not paying high attention to users' emotional needs in the product design process. The article adopts a combination of text mining technology and perceptual engineering theory to mine users' emotional needs, taking automotive display and control panels as the object. Firstly, based on text mining technology, extract user descriptions of product design features and emotional imagery from online reviews. Secondly, deconstruct the design elements of the car display and control panel, and quantify the user's emotional needs through the semantic difference scale. Finally, the orthogonal experiment method is used to construct a user's perceptual image space for different design features, transforming the user's perceptual needs into design elements and providing design decisions for designers.
Key Words:Automotive Design; Automotive Center Console Panel; Text Mining; Sensory Imagery; User Reviews