摘 要:随着社会的发展,工业社会向后工业社会转变,城市中遗留了大量的工业遗产,重新利用工业遗产,使它焕发新生是极其重要的。文章在文旅融合的视角下针对这一现状对工业遗产的保护与再利用进行研究。着重分析了绿汁镇工业遗产的现状问题,归纳出工业建筑保护与再利用的策略。以期使工业遗产得以有效保护与再利用,工业文化得以延续,并通过工业遗产的保护与再利用促进绿汁镇的文化旅游发展,提升文化价值与经济价值。
中图分类号:TU984.11+4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0137-04
Abstract: With the development of society and the transformation of industrial society to post-industrial society, a large amount of industrial heritage has been left in the city, so it is extremely important to reuse industrial heritage and revitalize it. This paper studies the protection and reuse of industrial heritage from the perspective of cultural and tourism integration. This paper emphatically analyzes the status quo of Lvjuizhen industrial heritage, and sums up the methods and strategies for the protection and reuse of industrial buildings. It is expected that the industrial heritage can be effectively protected and reused, the industrial culture can be continued, and through the protection and reuse of industrial heritage, the development of cultural tourism in Lvjui Town can be promoted, and the cultural value and economic value can be enhanced.
Key Words:Cultural and Tourism Integration; Industrial Heritage; Lvzhi Town; Protection; Reuse