摘 要:随着城市的不断扩张,城市产业结构的不断调整,许多工业遗产的地理位置从城市边缘迁移到城市中心,低密度的工业遗产逐渐与高密度的住宅区或商业区相结合,导致工业遗产难以保护和城市公共空间缺失两个问题逐渐凸显。文章以际华3511文创园为例,分析工业遗产建筑空间的特征,并进行灰空间重塑设计,赋予旧工业建筑新的功能,重塑空间动线,在保护城市工业遗产的同时,增加城市公共空间的功能。在实践中探寻城市工业遗产的保护再利用及可持续发展路径,以期为具有相同特质的工业遗产或相关理论研究提供参考。
中图分类号:TU984.11+4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0133-04
Abstract:With the continuous expansion of the city and the continuous adjustment of the urban industrial structure, the geographical location of many industrial heritage has moved from the edge of the city to the center of the city, and low-density industrial heritage has gradually combined with high-density residential or commercial areas, resulting in the difficulty of protecting industrial heritage and the lack of urban public space. Taking Jihua 3511 Cultural and Creative Park as an example, this paper analyzes the spatial characteristics of industrial heritage buildings, and carries out gray space remodeling design to give old industrial buildings new functions and reshape the spatial dynamic line, so as to integrate and supplement the functions of urban public space while protecting urban industrial heritage. In practice, it explores the path of protection, reuse and sustainable development of urban industrial heritage, in order to provide reference for industrial heritage with the same characteristics or related theoretical research.
Key Words:Industrial Heritage; Grey Space; Protection Update; Remodeling Design; Jihua 3511 Cultural and Creative Park