摘 要:文章以老年群体为对象,对现有的移动端进行适老化界面布局设计研究,以提升用户体验,降低老年人的认知负荷。文章以认知心理学的角度为出发点,分别从老年人在感知、注意和记忆三个方面的认知特征对移动端界面布局进行系统构建,通过层次分析法比较各个维度的权重,以移动端某购物界面为例将布局进行重新调整,得到三种移动端界面布局设计方案,最后利用灰色关联分析法进行实证,从而得出适合的设计方案,为移动端适老化界面布局设计提供一定的指导意义。
中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0117-04
Abstract: The article focuses on the elderly population and conducts research on the layout design of aging friendly interfaces for existing mobile devices, in order to improve user experience and reduce the cognitive load of the elderly. Starting from the perspective of cognitive psychology, the article systematically constructs the mobile interface layout based on the cognitive characteristics of elderly people in perception, attention, and memory. The weights of each dimension are compared using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and the layout is readjusted using a shopping interface on the mobile end as an example to obtain three mobile interface layout design schemes, finally, the grey correlation analysis method is used for empirical analysis to obtain suitable design solutions, providing certain guiding significance for the layout design of mobile aging interface.
Key Words:Cognitive Psychology; Cognitive Characteristics; Suitable for Aging; Mobile Interface Layout; Design