摘 要:文章拟改观高校设计学类专业基本理论课程内容枯燥、学生不爱学、教学效果差的问题。在学情分析的基础上,依据“金课”建设标准对教学理念进行重塑,开展教学内容、教学团队、教学方式、成绩评价、教学资源等多维度的改革与创新。使学生深度融入课堂,成为设计问题的提出者、设计理论的探究者和课程教学的参与者。探索以高阶思维为导向培养学生综合能力和设计思维的教学模式,以期为理论课程的改革提供思路。
中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0101-04
Abstract:This study aims to address the issues of lackluster content, students' lack of interest in learning, and poor teaching effectiveness in the foundational theory courses of design studies in universities. Based on a systematic analysis of the learning situation, reshape the teaching philosophy according to the "Golden Course" construction standards. Carrying out multidimensional reforms and innovations in teaching content, teaching team, teaching methods, teaching resources, performance evaluation, and political education. Students are deeply integrated into the classroom, becoming proposers of design problems, explorers of design theories, and participants in curriculum teaching. By exploring a teaching model guided by higher-order thinking to cultivate students' comprehensive abilities and design thinking, we aim to provide ideas for the reform of theoretical courses.
Key Words:Design Studies; Theory Course; Design History; Professional Introduction; Teaching Reform