摘 要:为了满足老年群体对养老院的感性需求,优化养老院室内空间设计,文章将经常用在工业设计中的感性工学研究方法运用在空间设计中。基于感性工学这一研究方法,以养老院为研究对象,选取养老院的室内卧室高度、走廊宽度、卧室地面材质、室内色温、家具占用率五项设计要素,绘制出5组15个样本,并结合5对感性词汇设计出基于语义差异法的调查问卷,使用SPSS统计软件对调查结果进行信度分析、效度分析及差异化分析。最终得出老年群体对六项设计要素的感性需求。以期为养老院室内设计提供一定的借鉴。
中图分类号:TU921 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0092-05
Abstract:In order to meet the emotional needs of the elderly population for nursing homes and optimize the indoor space design of nursing homes, the article applies the perceptual engineering research method often used in industrial design to spatial design. Based on the research method of perceptual engineering, a nursing home is selected as the research object. Five design elements of the nursing home, including indoor bedroom height, corridor width, bedroom floor material, indoor color temperature, and furniture occupancy rate, are selected. Five sets of 15 samples are drawn, and a survey questionnaire based on semantic difference method is designed using 5 pairs of perceptual vocabulary. SPSS statistical software is used to analyze the reliability, validity, and differentiation of the survey results. Finally, the emotional needs of the elderly population for the six design elements are determined. To provide some reference for the interior design of nursing homes.
Key Words:Nursing Home; Semantic Difference Method; Kansei Engineering; Differentiation Analysis; Interior Design