摘 要:文章基于UPCYCLE设计理念,从现有中国家庭的使用环境出发,寻找婴儿床产品设计的可持续发展路径。同时运用案例分析法,进行前期的产品调研,收集婴儿床产品的现状、用户需求,结合KANO模型寻找痛点并进行分析。文章通过可持续设计及模块化的设计方法进行产品设计实践,使产品的使用周期随着儿童生理、年龄的增长实现延长,在婴儿床的使用功能结束后,将它转换为座椅和桌子,赋予产品新的使用价值,在实现可持续设计理念的同时进行功能上的创新。
中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0088-04
Abstract: Based on the design concept of UPCYCLE and the use environment of existing Chinese families, this paper seeks for the sustainable development path of baby cot product design.This paper uses case analysis to conduct preliminary product research, collect the current situation of crib products and user needs, and combine KANO model to find pain points and analyze them.Finally, sustainable design and modular design methods are adopted to carry out product design practice, so that the service cycle of the product is extended with the growth of children's physiology and age. After the use of the crib, it can be converted into a seat and a table, giving the product new use value, and carrying out functional innovation while realizing the concept of sustainable design.
Key Words:Products Design; KANO Model; Sustainable Design; UPCYCLE Concept; Crib