摘 要:文章首先以KANO模型为基础调研儿童和家长对儿童玩具的需求,提炼初始需求项并编制、收集问卷;其次,通过质量特性评估归类和满意度系数分析对需求项进行重要度排序,明确各需求项的优先级,直观地展现用户对儿童玩具各项设计要素的需求程度;最后,找到提高用户满意度的切入点,优化儿童玩具设计要素的合理性和完备性,以期提高儿童对玩具的使用体验。
中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0080-04
Abstract:The article first investigates the needs of children and parents for children's toys based on the KANO model, extracts initial demand items, and compiles and collects questionnaires; Secondly, by evaluating and categorizing the quality characteristics and analyzing the satisfaction coefficient, the importance of each requirement item is ranked, and the priority of each requirement item is clarified, intuitively demonstrating the user's level of demand for various design elements of children's toys; Finally, find the entry point to improve user satisfaction, optimize the rationality and completeness of children's toy design elements, in order to improve children's experience of using toys.
Key Words:Product Design; Children's Toys; KANO Model; Demand Factors; User Satisfaction