摘 要:近些年,随着我国国民收入的不断增加和亲子教育理念的不断进步,乡村亲子游越来越受到家庭旅游者的青睐,中国无动力游乐设施市场呈现出较好的发展前景。但是无动力游乐设施的设计却没有跟上乡村亲子游的发展,存在地域性缺失、照搬照抄、亲子互动不足等问题,亟待改善。在此背景下,文章通过梳理乡村无动力游乐设施现存问题,从实际出发,以期总结出符合乡村亲子游需求的无动力游乐设施的设计策略,为其未来的发展提供参考。
中图分类号:TS952.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0068-04
Abstract:In recent years, as China's national income continues to rise and the concept of parent-child education advances, rural family tourism has gained increasing popularity among family travelers. This trend has also created a promising outlook for the development of unpowered amusement facilities in the Chinese market. However, amid this rapid development, non-powered amusement facilities in China have not kept pace with the growth of rural family tourism. They exhibit issues such as a lack of local context, replication, and insufficient opportunities for parent-child interaction, all of which require enhancements. In this context, this article conducts a practical comparison of the existing problems related to unpowered amusement facilities in rural areas and outlines design strategies for non-powered amusement facilities that cater to the needs of rural family tourism, offering valuable insights for their future development.
Key Words:Rural Family Tourism; Unpowered Amusement Facilities; Parent-Child Interaction