摘 要:随着我国汽车保有量的逐年攀升,城市地铁上盖的交通压力也越来越大,停车场是解决交通问题的重要空间节点,空间利用率的提升对改善地铁上盖交通压力起到重要的作用。文章以广州地铁上盖停车场为研究对象,总结停车场的现存问题,并从空间利用效率、人车寻路效率、空间舒适度和停车资源配置四个方面提出优化设计策略,以期建立完善的地铁上盖停车场体系,为改善城市的交通问题提供一定的借鉴。
中图分类号:TU992 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0048-04
Abstract: With the increase of car ownership in our country year by year, the traffic pressure of the property built on the urban subway is remarkable. Parking lot is an important space node to solve traffic problems, and the improvement of its space utilization rate plays an important role in improving the traffic pressure of subway overlying properties. Based on the investigation and analysis of the use of the parking lot above the subway in Guangzhou Metro, this paper summarizes the existing problems of the parking lot, and puts forward optimization design strategies from four aspects: space utilization efficiency, passenger-vehicle wayfinding efficiency, space comfort and parking resource allocation, so as to establish a sound parking lot above the subway system in Guangzhou Metro, which can help alleviate and improve the urban traffic problems.
Key Words:Above the Subway; Parking Lot; Optimization; Design; Guangzhou