摘 要:文章从自然交互的概念入手,首先阐述了人机交互方式的发展及趋势,其次从马斯洛五个需求层次分别对老年人的需求特征,以及老年人对智能产品的需求进行了分析总结,最后结合具体案例,总结了基于自然交互的智能产品适老化设计原则及策略。以期为智能产品适老化设计提供一定的借鉴,提升老年人对智能产品的接受度,以及老年人使用智能产品时的体验。
中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0044-04
Abstract: Starting with the concept of natural interaction, this paper first expounds the development and trend of human-computer interaction, then analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of the needs of the elderly and the needs of the elderly for smart products from Maslow's five levels of needs, and finally summarizes the principles and strategies of age-appropriate smart products based on natural interaction combined with specific cases. In order to provide certain references for the aging design of smart products, improve the acceptance of smart products by the elderly, and the experience of the elderly when using smart products.
Key Words:Product Design; Natural Interaction; Intelligence; Age-Appropriate Design; Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs