摘 要:心流体验被定义为一种较优的体验状态,将心流理论与文化创意产品交互设计结合,能够带来新的设计思路。因此,文章以文化创意产品为对象,基于心流体验进行交互设计研究。文章阐述了心流体验的基本概念,并分析了心流体验的九个特征,其中事前阶段中的三特征即“清晰明确的目标”“任务挑战与技能的关系平衡”“即时有效的反馈”被认为是产生心流体验的重要条件和必要前提,因此文章依据这三个特征提出文化创意产品交互设计策略,用以激发用户产生心流体验。通过文章的研究,期望能够为基于心流理论的文化创意产品交互设计提供一定的借鉴。
中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0036-04
Abstract:Flow experience is defined as an optimal experience state. Combining flow theory with interaction design of cultural creative products can bring new design ideas. Therefore, the article focuses on cultural and creative products and conducts interaction design research based on flow experience. The article elaborates on the basic concepts of flow experience and analyzes nine characteristics of flow experience. Among them, the three characteristics in the pre event stage, namely "clear and clear goals", "balance between task challenges and skills", and "immediate and effective feedback", are considered important conditions and necessary prerequisites for generating flow experience. Therefore, the article proposes cultural and creative product interaction design strategies based on these three characteristics to stimulate users to generate flow experience. Through the research in this article, it is expected to provide some reference for the interaction design of cultural and creative products based on the flow theory.
Key Words:Flow Experience; Cultural Creation Product; Interaction Design; Strategy