摘 要:在当前数字化的时代背景下,数字展陈设计一度引起大众的关注,成为未来展陈设计的趋势。文章首先对数字展陈设计的发展现状进行研究,分析当前数字展陈设计存在的问题。其次,对交互叙事的相关理论进行研究,梳理了叙事的构成要素及交互叙事的特性,通过理论研究得出数字展陈交互的叙事模型。最后根据现状研究及理论研究结果,提出基于交互叙事的数字展陈设计策略,以期促进交互叙事与数字展陈设计的融合发展。
中图分类号:G265 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)10-0024-04
Abstract: Under the background of the current digital era, digital exhibition design once attracted the attention of the public and became the trend of future exhibition design. Firstly, this paper studies the development status of digital exhibition design, and analyzes the existing problems of current digital exhibition design. Secondly, it studies the related theories of interactive narrative, sorts out the constituent elements of narrative and the characteristics of interactive narrative, and obtains the narrative model of digital exhibition and interactive through theoretical research. Finally, according to the current research and theoretical research results, the digital exhibition based on interactive narrative is proposed design strategies to promote the integration of interactive narrative and digital exhibition design.
Key Words:Interactive Narrative; Digital Media Art; Exhibition Design; Interactivity