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基于生态文化的湿地公园设计研究 ——以广龙抚海湾湿地公园为例

单位:云南艺术学院...     作者:赵维,古丽,王飚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-09-22

摘 要:随着城市的不断扩张和发展,湿地公园的生态环境受到了破坏,自然资源日益减少、文化保护意识淡薄的问题日益显著。因此,文章对如何在湿地公园中更好地保护和利用生态、文化资源进行了深入的研究。文章以广龙抚海湾湿地公园设计为例,从生态文化的视角出发,对湿地独特的自然环境、丰富的生物资源、特殊的空间布局及深厚的文化底蕴进行剖析,探讨出适用于湿地公园景观设计的策略。以期为更多湿地公园设计提供新的思路,推动湿地的保护、文化传承和旅游发展。


中图分类号:TU986.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)09-0069-04

Abstract: With the continuous expansion and development of the city, the ecological environment of the wetland park has been destroyed, and the problems of decreasing natural resources and weak cultural protection awareness have become increasingly obvious. Therefore, this paper makes an in-depth study on how to better protect and utilize ecological and cultural resources in wetland park. Taking the design of Guanglongfu Bay Wetland Park as an example, this paper analyzes the unique natural environment, rich biological resources, special spatial layout and profound cultural heritage of wetland from the perspective of ecological culture, and discusses the strategy suitable for wetland park landscape design. In order to provide new ideas for the design of more wetland parks, to promote the protection of wetlands, cultural inheritance and tourism development.

Key Words:Ecological Culture; Wetland Park Design; Space Vitality