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单位:北京林业大学...     作者:党冰鑫,朱立珊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-08-25

摘 要:近年来,全国养老服务机构和设施总数相比老年人口数量远远不足,大部分老年人仍需要居家养老,针对现代老年人的生理状况和生活需求,将适老化老人坐具作为主要的研究对象。文章以情感化理论为设计原则,提出介助型老年人坐具设计的思路,试图通过介助型老年人坐具设计来缓解老年人因生理退化所带来的不适与不便,使老年人的生活变得便利舒适,同时也可以为介助型老年人坐具设计提供参考与借鉴。


中图分类号:TS665.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)08-0037-04

Abstract: In recent years, compared to the total number of elderly care institutions and facilities in the country, the number of elderly care institutions and facilities is far from sufficient. The majority of elderly people still need to live at home for elderly care, and there are high requirements for the design of aging suitable seats; However, the current lack of professionalism and functionality in seat design in China has led to the inability to meet the home care needs of assisted elderly people. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the research path of assisted elderly seat design. This study takes the emotional theory as the design principle and plans the development path of assisted elderly seat design, which is conducive to helping the majority of assisted elderly care at home, and providing reference and reference for the design of assisted elderly seat.

Key Words:Emotionalization Theory; Assisted Elderly; Security; Seat Design