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单位:西安理工大学...     作者:李金伟,王毅,徐江河     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-25

摘 要:文章针对用户使用智能产品时由于产品在时间维度的表达不适而造成的时间感知压力问题,研究了一种“舒畅度”体验评价模型,以提高用户在时间维度的“舒畅度”。从用户体验的角度出发,利用层次分析法建立用户在时间维度的“舒畅度”体验评价模型,并以智能闸机通行为例,通过用户旅程图分析,根据用户通行中的时间维度体验以及情绪变化进行分析。以机场闸机的时间维度表达设计为例,表明用“光的动效”可以提升在通行过程中用户在时间维度对智能产品的可控性,同时增加了人机交互体验。

关键词:体验设计;时间;舒畅度 ;用户行为;人机交互

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Aiming at the problem of time perception pressure caused by discomfort expression in time dimension when users use intelligent products, a "comfort" experience evaluation model was studied to improve users' "comfort" experience in time dimension. From the perspective of user experience, the AHP is used to establish the evaluation model of user's "comfort" experience in time dimension in user experience. Taking the passage of intelligent gate as an example, the user journey graph is analyzed to improve the "comfort" experience in time dimension according to the time experience and emotional changes in the passage of users. Taking the passage time dimension expression design of airport gate as an example, it shows that the expression of "dynamic effect of light" can improve the user's control over the time of intelligent products in the passage process, and at the same time increase the man-machine interaction experience.

Key Words:Experience Design; Time Dimension; Comfort Experience; User Behavior; Human-machine Interaction