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基于海洋文化的海滨城市公共设施设计研究 ——以大连金石滩公共设施为例

单位:大连艺术学院...     作者:姜春雨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-25

摘 要:文章以海滨城市公共设施为研究对象,并以海洋文化为切入点,从海滨城市公共设施现状及存在的问题展开思考。梳理出现代海滨城市在满足社会多样化需求下的设计思路,同时有针对性地展开设计实践。实践过程中立足于文化自信,融入中华传统文化,融合绿色低碳理念,为海滨城市公共设施的发展提供了重要依据。以期为未来海滨城市公共设施的革新提供有利的支撑,实现滨海城市与环境的和谐发展。


中图分类号:TU998.9 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper takes the public facilities of coastal cities as the research content and the maritime culture as the research core, and starts thinking from the current situation and existing problems of the public facilities of coastal cities. Combing the design ideas of modern coastal cities in meeting the diversified needs of society, and carrying out targeted design practice. In the process of practice, based on cultural self-confidence, integrated with Chinese traditional culture, and integrated with the concept of green and low-carbon, it provides an important basis for the development of public facilities in coastal cities. In order to provide favorable support for the future innovation of public facilities in coastal cities and realize the harmonious development of coastal cities and environment.

Key Words:Maritime Culture; Communal Facilities; Product Design