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单位:天津美术学院...     作者:范如画     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-25

摘 要:在城市更新的过程中,城市遗产会不可避免地遭到冲击,街道建设也面临着日趋同质化、缺乏个性化的难题。文章在调研的基础上,应用服务设计的理论、城市设计的三大理论等知识对天津古文化街的设计特征进行分析,从游客游览、城市设计的层面探讨天津古文化街“失落”的原因。研究分析出实现空间与功能和谐共生的方法,提出天津古文化街在今后保护与改造中可执行的更新策略,以期对日后同类型改造工程具有一定的指导意义。


中图分类号:TU984.11+3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the process of urban renewal, the urban heritage is inevitably impacted, and the street construction is also faced with the problem of increasingly homogeneity and lack of individuation. This paper is based on research, application service design. This paper analyzes the design characteristics of Tianjin ancient cultural streets with the knowledge of theory and urban design, and discusses the reasons for the "loss" of Tianjin ancient cultural streets from the perspective of tourists' sightseeing and urban design. This paper studies and analyzes the methods to realize the harmonious coexistence of space and function, and puts forward the renewal strategies that can be implemented in the protection and renovation of Tianjin ancient Cultural Street in the future, which has certain guiding significance for similar renovation projects in the future.

Key Words:Historical Block; Tianjin's Ancient Cultural Streets; Lost Space; Build Vitality; Urban Design