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单位:首都师范大学...     作者:张睿宇,王佳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-25

摘 要:随着数字科技的发展与消费方式的升级,虚拟时代的到来引发了虚拟时尚热潮,而在互联网的发展中成长起来的年轻群体群体正是主要参与者。文章以元宇宙的视角,从视觉、圈层、社交、个性化四个方面对年轻群体的消费心理和消费行为进行分析,并基于此提出元宇宙视角下视觉至上、关注圈层、促成社交、体现个性的虚拟时装品牌设计策略。通过文章的研究,以期为时装品牌在未来虚拟领域中的设计与发展作出有益的理论探索,达到抛砖引玉的效果。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of digital technology and the upgrading of consumption patterns, the arrival of the virtual era has triggered a virtual fashion boom, and the young people growing in the development of the Internet is its main participant. From the perspective of the metaverse, this article analyzes the consumer psychology and consumer behavior of young people from the four aspects of vision, circle, social interaction and personality, and based on this, puts forward a virtual fashion brand design strategy of visual supremacy, paying attention to the circle, promoting social interaction and reflecting personality from the perspective of the metauniverse. Through the research of the article, it is expected to make a useful theoretical exploration for the design and development of fashion brands in the future virtual field, and achieve the effect of throwing bricks and attracting jade.

Key Words:Metaverse; Young People; Symbolic Consumption; Virtual Fashion; Brand Design