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单位:天津美术学院...     作者:刘婉婷,孙奎利     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-25

摘 要:当下中国各大城市正以高速的步伐向前发展,忽略了现代地铁作为城市文化空间它的艺术品位有待提升。文章通过艺术设计与传播提高了大众的审美,从而引发情感触动,在艺术属性的加持下发挥着地铁空间的艺术价值。以期设计者可以通过艺术介入、人文注入、科技引入等应用策略,提升城市地铁空间的活力。


中图分类号:TU984.11+3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, China's major cities are developing at a high speed, ignoring the modern subway as an urban cultural space to improve artistic taste. Through artistic design and communication, the article improves the aesthetic of the public, thus arouses emotional touch, and plays the aesthetic value of subway space under the support of artistic attributes. At the same time, art practitioners can stimulate the vitality of urban subway space through application strategies such as artistic intervention, humanistic injection and technology introduction.

Key Words:Subway Space; Public Art Design; Cultural Communication