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单位:青岛理工大学...     作者:房佳田,王春鹏,朱晓言     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:文章旨在探析地域文化视角下齐鲁文化资源转化为文化创意产品设计要素的方法,寻求地域文化创意产品设计的新路径,助力齐鲁文化的传承与发展。文章首先将文化资源按照文化三层次理念进行分层整理,梳理文化元素。其次从满足用户情感需求的角度出发,研究用户对各层级文化的情感需求及文化转译方法,运用问卷调查、因子分析等定性与定量相结合的方法,将传统文化元素转译为满足消费者情感共鸣的现代文化创意产品设计要素,总结出最具齐鲁文化特色的文化创意产品设计指标。最后根据潍坊风筝文化创意座椅的设计案例,验证指标评价方法的有效性,以期为当今地域文化创意产品设计提供一定参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper aims to explore the method of transforming Qilu cultural resources into the design elements of cultural creative products from the perspective of regional culture, seeking a new path of regional cultural creative product design, and helping the inheritance and development of Qilu culture. With the help of the concept of three levels of culture, the cultural resources are organized in layers and the cultural elements are sorted out. From the perspective of satisfying users' emotional needs, this paper studies users' emotional needs for different levels of culture and cultural translation methods, uses qualitative and quantitative methods such as questionnaire survey and factor analysis to translate traditional cultural elements into modern cultural creative product design elements that meet consumers' emotional resonance, and summarizes the design indexes of cultural creative products with the most distinctive Qilu culture. Finally, according to the design case of Weifang Kite culture creative Seat, the effectiveness of the index evaluation method is verified, which provides reference for the research on the design of regional cultural creative products.

Key Words:Regional Culture; Qilu Culture; Emotional Design; Cultural and Creative Products