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单位:广西艺术学院...     作者:邢梦瑶,贾思怡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:文章的主要目的是研究广西壮族铜鼓纹样在门窗设计中的运用方法,通过对广西民族博物馆内铜鼓藏品的定性分析和文献查阅,从纹样类型、制作工艺及文化内涵三个方面为切入点进行系统分析,运用直接引用、分解变形的设计方法探索现代门窗设计的新思路,以期为壮族铜鼓文化提供新的传承路径。


中图分类号:TU228 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The main purpose of this article is to study the application method of Guangxi Zhuang bronze drum patterns in door and window design. Through qualitative analysis and literature review of the bronze drum collections in Guangxi Museum of Nationalities, the starting point is systematically carried out from three aspects: pattern type, production technology and cultural connotation. Analyze, use the design method of direct reference, decomposition and deformation to explore new ideas of modern door and window design, and provide a new inheritance path for Zhuang bronze drum culture.

Key Words:Bronze Drum Patten; Modern Door and Window Design; Application