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单位:南京师范大学...     作者:胡晓冉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:自美丽乡村建设目标提出后,传统村落环境改造及现代化建设逐见成效,但在改造过程中仍存在传统古村落乡土文化不受重视、景观环境设计缺乏创新等问题。乡土文化是美丽乡村景观设计的中心,文章通过对乡土文化的构成要素及表现形式的研究分析美丽乡村景观规划设计的存在问题,并针对我国不同乡村的类型,从乡土文化元素的利用角度总结出乡土文化元素在乡村景观设计中的应用策略,避免美丽乡村景观设计有“形”无“魂”,以此呈现出美丽乡村景观设计的特色。


中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Since the proposal of the goal of building a beautiful village, the certain achievements for the environmental transformation and modernization construction of traditional villages have been obtained. However, some problems are found to exist in the process of transformation, such as the neglect of local culture of traditional ancient villages, the lack of innovation in landscape environment design and so on. As the center of beautiful countryside landscape design, local culture is studied in this thesis in terms of its constituent elements and manifestations. From this, analyze the problems in planning and design of beautiful countryside landscape. In view of different types of villages in China, the application strategies of vernacular cultural elements in rural landscape design are summarized from the perspective of the use of local cultural elements, avoid beautiful countryside landscape design with "form" without "soul", in order to present the characteristics of beautiful rural landscape design.

Key Words:Vernacular Cultural Elements; Beautiful Countryside; Landscape Planning and Design; Protection; Inheritance