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单位:青岛理工大学...     作者:韩金,侯寅峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:随着城市生态文明建设的大力推进,文化主题公园作为一种新型的主题公园应运而生。许多城市和地区由于急于求成,盲目兴建,导致文化主题公园景观设计缺乏特色,同质化问题严重。文章针对文化主题公园景观设计的现存问题进行了分析,并根据城市建设的实际需求确定了从景观环境、功能设施、文化教育三个方面为出发点的景观设计策略,即提升视觉景观质量、丰富景观功能设施、营造文化氛围,以期为文化主题公园景观设计提供一点参考。  


中图分类号:TU986.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the vigorous promotion of urban ecological civilization construction, cultural theme park as a new theme park emerges at the historic moment. As many cities and regions are eager to succeed, blind construction, resulting in cultural theme park landscape design lack of characteristics, serious homogeneity. Therefore, this paper analyzes and summarizes the current situation of landscape design of cultural theme parks, and according to the current situation, determines the landscape design strategy from landscape environment, functional facilities, culture and education three aspects as the starting point, that is, improve the visual landscape quality, enrich landscape functional facilities, create cultural atmosphere, in order to provide some reference for the landscape design of cultural theme parks.

Key Words:Culture Theme Park; Landscape Design; Strategy