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单位:1.江苏大学艺...     作者:张雪萍,张军,蒋郅杰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:文章通过研究镇江泥塑“太平泥叫叫”的外型特征、装饰纹样、制作工艺、色彩搭配等,挖掘“太平泥叫叫”的艺术特征和文化底蕴,提取具有代表性的设计元素,结合实际情况,采用现代设计手法与风格打造前卫时尚且特征鲜明的文化创意品牌,在文旅融合的背景下,跟随文化旅游的浪潮,助力非物质文化遗产“太平泥叫叫”的活态化传承与发展,同时为此类型的传统文化提供设计参考。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:By studying the appearance features, decorative patterns, production techniques and color matching of Zhenjiang Clay sculpture "Taiping Mud is called", this paper analyzes the artistic features and cultural deposits of "Taiping Mud is called", extracts representative design elements, and builds an avant-garde, fashionable and distinctive cultural and creative brand with modern design techniques and styles based on the actual situation. Under the background of cultural and tourism integration, Follow the tide of cultural tourism, help the intangible cultural heritage "Taiping mud called" live inheritance and development, and at the same time provide design reference for this type of traditional culture.

Key Words:Cultural and Tourism Integration; Taiping Mud Calling; Cultural and Creative Brand; Design Strategy