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单位:1.常州大学美...     作者:薛淼,李永昌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:当今是一个科技创新与环境保护协同发展的时代。在新形势下,新型环保材料在室内设计的应用已经成为设计工作者考虑的重点内容之一。文章从新型环保材料在室内设计中的应用意义出发,结合实例对新型环保材料在室内设计中的具体应用进行了分析。在满足大众多样化需求的同时,也为环保材料在室内设计中的应用提供了新的思路和方法,以期达到节约能源的目的,促进我国的可持续发展。


中图分类号:TU238.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Today is an era of coordinated development of scientific and technological innovation and new environmental protection. Under the new situation, the scientific application of new environmental friendly materials in interior design has become one of the key contents that designers think about. This paper starts from the application significance of new environmental friendly materials in interior design and analyzes the specific application of new environmental friendly materials in interior design with examples. At the same time, it also provides new ideas and methods for the application of new environmental friendly materials in interior design to achieve energy saving and meet the needs of sustainable development in our country.

Key Words:New Environmental Friendly Materials; Interior Design; Application