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单位:华南农业大学...     作者:刘燕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:屏风是中国传统家具的一种形制,见证了社会文化及人们生活习惯的发展与变迁,应在现代设计语境中为它注入新的发展力量以便更好地传承。文章首先论述了屏风的发展历史、文化内涵,然后结合现代设计语境中的设计要求提出新中式屏风设计的思路,以期为现代新中式屏风的设计发展提供理念和方法上的借鉴。


中图分类号:TS664.01 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Abstract: Screen is a form of traditional Chinese furniture, which has witnessed the development and change of social culture and people's living habits. It should be modernized in the modern design context to inject new development force into it in order to better inherit. This article first discusses the history of the screen development, cultural connotation, and then combined with the design requirements in the context of modern design to discuss and put forward the new Chinese screen design ideas, and finally practical application in order to provide a reference for the design and development of modern new Chinese screen concept and method.

Key Words:Modern Design; New Chinese Style; Screen Innovation; Bamboo Screen