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单位:济南大学美术学院     作者:王永心,赵忠超     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:在中国快速城市化与老龄化的双重背景下,城市适老出行问题日益引发关注,然而多数学者将研究对象聚焦在北京、上海等一线城市,对中小城市的适老出行问题关注不足。文章以河南省漯河市为例,调查分析中小城市慢行交通适老出行方面存在的问题及原因,从优化人行通道、完善慢行交通系统公共设施、改善公共交通候车条件和强化城市管理与服务四方面提出针对性的改造策略,以期对中小城市城市慢行交通系统的规划、建设与改造提供一定参考。


中图分类号:U491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of rapid urbanization and aging in China, the issue of age-appropriate travel in cities has attracted increasing attention, but most scholars focus their research on large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, and pay insufficient attention to the issue of age-appropriate travel in small and medium-sized cities. Taking Luohe City in Henan Province as an example, investigate and analyze the problems and causes of the elderly-friendly travel in small and medium-sized cities, and propose four targeted transformation strategies in terms of optimizing pedestrian access, improving public facilities of slow-moving transportation system, improving public transportation waiting conditions and strengthening urban management and services, in order to provide reference samples for the planning, construction and transformation of urban slow-moving transportation systems in small and medium-sized cities.

Key Words:Small and Medium-sized Cities; Slow-moving Transportation; Age-appropriate; Retrofitting Design