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单位:北京林业大学...     作者:宋丹丹,史钟颖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:文章从公共艺术的内涵与表达形式中寻找切合城市公园休憩设施设计的方法与策略。结合对国内城市公园休憩设施设计的研究、人们的实际需求及行为特征,从造型、色彩、材质、互动性与可持续发展等方面展开阐述,构建切合人们需求的艺术化休憩设施设计原则。让休憩设施不再成为传统意义上的城市公共设施,使它具有一定的艺术观赏功能。


中图分类号:TU986.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper mainly studies the integration of public art and the design of recreational facilities in urban parks. By analyzing the current situation of existing recreational facilities, summarizing the existing problems of leisure facilities, and exploring how to make leisure facilities in urban parks have public art. From the aspects of shape, color, material, interactivity and sustainable development, it will construct the design principles of artistic leisure facilities that meet people's needs. Let the leisure facilities no longer be urban public facilities in the general sense, and should have an artistic viewing function to meet people's spiritual.

Key Words:Urban Park; Public Art; Leisure Facility