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单位:中国矿业大学...     作者:丁昶,赵雪婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:当前,在大力倡导绿色发展的大背景下,发展绿色住宅是社会现阶段及未来的必然趋势,住宅的可持续性设计也成为当今设计的热点。文章首先阐述了绿色设计及模块化住宅的概念,并提出了绿色模块化住宅设计的意义,其次针对绿色设计及模块化住宅设计提出了相应的设计原则,最后通过设计理念和设计策略阐述了具体项目案例的应用。文章通过对住宅的建筑设计、建造及运行全生命周期的研究,来验证绿色设计的适用性和模块化住宅的可行性,以期为未来的装配式工业化住宅设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, under the background of vigorously advocating green development, the development of green housing is an inevitable trend at present and in the future. The sustainable design of housing has also become a hot spot in today's design. Firstly, this paper summarizes the related concepts of green design and modular residential, and puts forward the significance of green modular housing design. Secondly, it puts forward the corresponding design principles for green design and modular housing design. Finally, it realizes the application of specific project cases through design concepts and design strategies. The research of this paper is to study the whole life cycle process of architectural design, construction and operation of residential buildings, to verify the applicability of green design and the feasibility of modular residential buildings, in order to provide some reference for the future prefabricated industrial housing design.

Key Words:Green Design; Modular House; Interior Design