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单位:景德镇陶瓷大...     作者:邝思思,汤重熹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:文章以自我健康管理和表达性艺术治疗为出发点,以玩具的互动方式为基础,结合老年慢性病人群特点,分析表达性艺术治疗在老年慢性病人群健康干预的效用,即玩具具有疗愈与辅助治疗的功能,进而提出玩具设计中的疗愈产品化和产品游戏化与艺术化的设计理念及其应用。旨在探索一种积极的方式,去改善目前老年慢性病患者的自我健康管理现状,为老年慢性病患者玩具设计的创新设计发展提供新的视角和思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article takes self-health management and expressive arts therapy as the starting point, takes the interactive mode of toys as the basis, combines the characteristics of the elderly chronically ill population, analyzes the effectiveness of expressive arts therapy in the health intervention of the elderly chronically ill population. Toys have the function of healing and assisting therapy, and then proposes the design concepts of healing productization, product gamification, and artification in toy design and their application fields. The study aims to explore a positive way to improve the current situation of self-health management for elderly chronic disease patients, and to provide new perspectives and new ideas for the innovative development of toy design for elderly chronic disease patients.

Key Words:Toy Design; Elderly Patients with Chronic Diseases; Expressive Arts Therapy; Self-health Monitoring; Emotional Information