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单位:河南科技大学...     作者:李艳荣,许占民     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:睡眠是身体健康的重要保障,对人们的生活质量具有十分重要的意义。文章以睡前助眠产品为研究对象,引入无意识设计理念,首先将无意识设计理念与SAPAD框架相结合,建立“行为—意义—需求—产品”的映射关系,其次将这一映射关系运用到用户睡前行为习惯的研究中,通过观察分析用户睡前行为习惯,深入探讨行为意义,从而获得青年群体的睡前行为需求,最终以需求为基础指导睡前助眠产品的设计,设计出符合用户睡前习惯、为用户创造良好睡眠环境的模块化助眠产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Sleep health is an important guarantee for physical health, and it is of great significance to people's quality of life. This article takes sleep aid products as the research object, introduces the concept of unconscious design, firstly combines the concept of unconscious design with the SAPAD framework, establishes the mapping relationship of "behavior-meaning-need-product", and then puts this mapping relationship Applied to the research of users’ bedtime behavior habits, through observation and analysis of users’ bedtime behavior habits, and in-depth discussion of the meaning of behavior, so as to obtain the behavioral needs of young people before going to bed, and finally guide the design of sleep aid products before going to bed based on the needs. Develop modular sleep aid products that conform to users' bedtime habits and create a good sleeping environment for users.

Key Words:Unconscious Design; Sleep Aid Products; SAPAD Framework