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单位:内蒙古农业大...     作者:段磊,毕力格巴图     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:在当下以舍饲生态畜牧业为主的定居环境背景下,文章从牧民的感知视角出发,结合国内外相关研究与草原住宅的现状,构建出空间感知、形象感知、成本感知、生活感知,以及品质感知五个维度的草原住宅满意度评价指标,并基于IPA分析法对当下草原住宅牧民的满意度与重要性进行双向分析与评估,从而识别出牧民对住宅的关键需求点,并基于此以蒙古包为解决问题的切入点,做到在继承与发展蒙古包住居文化模式与建造方式的同时,契合当下草原生态的发展趋势与多元的住居需求,以期为当下草原生活提供相适宜的住居建设思路。


中图分类号:TU253 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of the current settlement environment where animal husbandry is the mainstay, the article starts from the perception perspective of herdsmen, combines domestic and foreign related research and the current situation of grassland residences, and constructs space perception, image perception, cost perception, life perception and quality perception  Grassland housing satisfaction evaluation index based on five dimensions, and based on the IPA analysis method, a two-way analysis and evaluation of the satisfaction and importance of the current grassland housing herdsmen, so as to identify the key demand points of the herdsmen for housing, and based on this, yurts  In order to solve the problem, while inheriting and developing the yurt living culture model and construction method, it is in line with the development trend of the current grassland ecology and the diverse housing needs, so as to provide suitable housing construction ideas for the current grassland life.

Key Words:IPA Analysis Method; Yurt Design; Adaptability; Optimal Design