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单位:1.澳门城市大...     作者:庞艳萍,焦斌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-05

摘 要:展示是文化创意产品传播自身文化形态的主要途径,新颖时尚的展示方案是在有限空间内高效展示文化创意产品价值成功与否的关键所在。传统文化创意产品的展示存在宣传效率低、用户交互不足、资源消耗大等局限,而数字孪生技术特有的互动性与虚拟性能为文化创意产品展示提供全新的技术支持与传播思路。研究基于数字孪生技术探讨文化创意产品展示设计相关内容,结合海南文化创意产品展示的问题,阐述了基于字数孪生技术的海南文化创意产品展示设计策略与思路,旨在利用数字孪生技术深度挖掘海南文化的内在价值,推动海南文化创意产品展示设计的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Exhibition is the main way for cultural creative products to spread their cultural forms. A novel and fashionable exhibition scheme is the key to the success of effectively displaying the value of cultural creative products in a limited space. The display of traditional cultural creative products has some limitations, such as low publicity efficiency, insufficient user interaction, and large resource consumption. The unique interactivity and virtuality of digital twin technology provide new technical support and communication ideas for the display of cultural creative products. This paper studies the display design of cultural creative products based on digital twin technology. Combining with the problems of Hainan cultural creative products display, this paper expounds the strategies and ideas of the display design of Hainan cultural creative products based on the word number twin technology, aiming at using the digital twin technology to deeply tap the intrinsic value of Hainan culture, and promoting the development of the display design of Hainan cultural creative products.

Key Words:Digital Twin Technology; Hainan; Cultural and Creative Products; Display Design