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单位:1.广州商学院...     作者:贺可可,张浩,王样     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-04

摘 要:为满足人们的情感需求,提高调味瓶的使用体验,文章采用仿生设计的方法,以海洋自然生物为灵感来源,选取了鲸鱼和浪花作为仿生的对象,进行形态特征的分析和提炼。运用环保材料,结合人们的生活习惯确定产品定位,在满足日常功能的同时,通过造型赋予产品一定的趣味性。文章设计采用仿生设计理念,将调味瓶的外形设计与趣味性巧妙的融合在一起,使调味瓶的形体设计和色彩设计更具美感,同时兼具实用性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to meet people's emotional needs and improve the use experience of flavor bottles, this paper adopts the method of bionic design, takes marine creatures as inspiration, and selects whales and waves as bionic objects to analyze and refine their morphological characteristics. The use of environmental protection materials, combined with people's living habits to determine the product positioning, while meeting the daily functions, through the shape of the product to a certain degree of interest. The design of the article adopts the bionic design concept, combining the shape design of the flavor bottle with the fun, so that the shape design and color design of the flavor bottle are more aesthetic and practical at the same time.

Key Words:Product Design; Bionic Design; The Bionic Form; Caster; Modeling