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单位:1.湖北工业大...     作者:罗亦鸣,张欣怡,吴诗中     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-04

摘 要:多元化传播平台、交互性传播模式、个性化传播行为等特质建构出全媒体时代的传播新生态。博物馆的展览在传播上不断推陈出新,反映在网络传播途径更活跃、信息沟通平台更对等与开放、传播形式更贴近网络生态、文化创意IP更具数字化影响力等方面。在机遇与挑战面前,红色主题展览数字化传播应该建构起行之有效的策略体系。文章通过建设红色主题展览数字化数据库、打造联动线下的线上数字化体验场景、创新话语形态与话语受众的关系、创新博物馆红色文物的数字化价值等举措,在优质数字化内容创作和多元化传播方面探索出一条新的道路。


中图分类号:G265 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the era of omnimedia, the diversity of communication platforms, the two-way interaction of communication modes, and the personalization of communication behaviors have constructed a new communication ecology. Museum exhibitions continue to bring forth new ideas in communication, reflected in more active online communication channels; Information communication platforms are more equal and open; The form of communication is closer to the network ecology; IP cultural creativity has more digital influence. In a situation where opportunities and challenges coexist, the digital communication of red theme exhibitions should establish an effective strategic system from the aspects of communication content, media, channels, and audiences. By building a digital database of red themed exhibitions; Create a collaborative offline online digital experience scenario; Innovating the relationship between discourse forms and discourse audiences; Initiatives such as innovating the digital value of red cultural relics in museums have explored a new path in high-quality digital content creation and diversified communication.

Key Words:Omnimedia; Red Themed Exhibitions; Digitization; Communication