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单位:清华大学教务处     作者:杨帆,沈晖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-04

摘 要:清华大学近年来确立了价值塑造、能力培养、知识传授“三位一体”的教育理念。学校美育课程建设始终以价值塑造、健全人格、宽厚基础、人文精神为导向,以艺术类课程为主体,开设分层次、多类型、阶梯式的多样化美育课程。文章以清华大学为例,着重从美育课程的建设情况、美育课程体系的发展思路、基于学科优势的特色美育课程案例等方面,探究高校美育课程体系建设的理念与实践。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Tsinghua University has established a tripartite educational philosophy of "shaping values, cultivating skills, and imparting knowledge". The university's aesthetic education curriculum has always been oriented to value building, sound personality, broad foundation, and humanistic spirit, with art courses as the main body and diversified aesthetic education courses of different levels, types, and ladders. Taking Tsinghua University as an example, this paper focuses on the concept and practice of the construction of aesthetic education curriculum system in universities in terms of the construction of aesthetic education courses, the development ideas of aesthetic education curriculum system, the cases of characteristic aesthetic education courses based on disciplinary advantages, the construction of the curriculum operation management and the guarantee system.

Key Words:Aesthetic Education; Curriculum System; Aesthetic Education Curriculum; Art and Science; Interdisciplinary Intersection